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This module implements different SSL methods. The differences are in the loss computations that differ from one method to another.


API Reference Description
semipy.methods.abstractMethod Base class used to build SSL methods without PyTorch Lightning.
semipy.methods.CompleteCase Applies complete case.
semipy.methods.PseudoLabel Applies PseudoLabel method.
semipy.methods.FixMatch Applies FixMatch method.
semipy.methods.PiModel Applies PiModel method.
semipy.methods.VAT Applies VAT method.
semipy.methods.AdaMatch Applies AdaMatch metehod.
semipy.methods.utils.EMA For using Exponential Moving Average on validation model's parameters.
semipy.methods.utils.DistAlign To perform Distribution Alignment.
semipy.methods.utils.EarlyStopping To monitor a specific metric in order to apply earlystopping.


API Reference Description
semipy.methods.utils.get_metrics Reads a metrics YAML file and outputs a dicitonary of metrics.
semipy.methods.functional.pseudolabel_loss To compute PseudoLabel loss.
semipy.methods.functional.fixmatch_loss To compute FixMatch loss.
semipy.methods.functional.pimodel_loss To compute PiModel loss.
semipy.methods.functional.vat_loss To compute VAT loss.
semipy.methods.functional.adamatch_loss To compute AdaMatch loss.